Levine Lee News

Benchmark Litigation Ranks Levine Lee “Highly Recommended” for Dispute Resolution

Benchmark Litigation has ranked Levine Lee among the top firms in New York for dispute resolution, noting that the firm is “making an increasing mark on the litigation community as a first-call for complicated and sensitive matters in the commercial, white-collar, securities enforcement and intellectual property capacities.” Benchmark describes Levine Lee as the “go-to midsize firm for litigation and investigation expertise, especially in the context of large insolvency matters with many moving parts,” noting that the firm’s “platform is perfect in terms of having adequate bench strength for complex matters without overstaffing.”

Benchmark highlighted Seth L. Levine in connection with several “thorny appointments,” including his representation of Gavin Campbell Black, a former Deutsche Bank trader, in connection with global investigations into the alleged manipulation of the London Interbank Offer Rate, and Daniel Small in connection with the DOJ investigation into the hedge fund Platinum Partners.

Benchmark also highlighted Kenneth E. Lee in connection with his representation of special committees conducting internal investigations, including on behalf of the Xerox Board of Directors.

Benchmark also once again named Christos G. Papapetrou and Miriam Alinikoff to its 40 and Under Hot List of the top litigators in the United States under the age of 40. Benchmark recognized them for their work on high profile civil litigation, white-collar defense, and securities enforcement actions.

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