Levine Lee News

Second Circuit Victory for the Public Utilities Board of Manitoba, Canada

The firm successfully obtained a Second Circuit affirmance of the District Court’s dismissal with prejudice of a complaint filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York against its client, The Public Utilities Board of Manitoba, Canada (the “PUB”) in The A Star Group, Inc. v. Manitoba Hydro, KPMG LLP (Canada), KPMG LLP (US), Manitoba Public Utilities Board before Circuit Judges Sack, Parker and Carney. In affirming the dismissal of claims brought against the PUB, the Second Circuit held that the District Court properly dismissed Appellant’s claims for lack of subject matter jurisdiction under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act. Kenneth E. Lee, Lara J. Fogel and Miriam L. Alinikoff worked on the matter.

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